Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today I want to tell you about How Great our GOD is. Do you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Have you ever heard of Laminin. Laminin is a protein molecule. The human body is just extraordinary if you haven't figured that out yet. Every human being has 46 chromosmes. Have you ever wondered how they are held together well this is where the Laminin comes in to play. Laminin is what holds your DNA together. God puts us together the way he wants us to be. God knows about every cell in our body.

This is what Laminin looks like now tell me that GOD is not awesome. GOD created our DNA and who better to hold it together than Jesus Christ himself. Now is a microscopic picture of this protein.
Do you see what I see? That is Jesus Christ holding our DNA together.

Now why am I telling you about this. As we were having the invitation at the end of our youth service this evening I was praying and GOD revealed something to me. There are 163 million orphans in the world. There are some that have special needs and some that don't but GOD holds each of them in the palm of his hand. Each one of these 163 million orphans have these proteins in their body. Each of us are called to care for the orphaned and the widowed. If we never prayed for them, adopted them or raised money for their ransom GOD would still have them in the palm of his hand. Each child has the arms of GOD holding them together. I don't know about you but this makes me want to do something for them. All 163 million orphans need to know that GOD holds them together.

Now watch this video and Louie Giglio explains about this magnificent creation of Laminin.

Now after you watch that video worship with Chris Tomlin's song How Great Is Our GOD.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I want to start off by saying I know I have not posted anything in awhile but I just needed a break. Well the silence is no more.

Forgiveness what does this mean to you. Forgiveness is when you have been done wrong you choose to do as GOD does for us. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us when he died on the cross he paid for our forgiveness. I have not blogged about this because I have been so angry and bitter about it all. January 1, 2013 Russia officially halted all American adoption. We knew that this was being tossed around for awhile and we prayed Lord don't let this happen precious lives are at stack. My birthday is December 28 and though birthdays are a time to be celebrated I could help but feel depressed because on this day in 2012 the Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into a law the ban on all American adoption. That day was a blow to the face for so many who had children there. Families in limbo not knowing if they would ever see their precious little ones again. Several families had been through court and been legally named the child/children's parents but it was still up in the air as to whether they would ever come home to there forever families. Parents who had met their children have now been told that they can switch countries or wait for Russia to come to their senses. A few of the parents have made the hardest choice to make and switch countries while they wait for Russia to let them come back. Do you know what happens to children who live in Russia that have special needs? They are locked away in orphanages because they are deemed as unlovable. Children age out of these orphanages between the ages of 3-5 years of age. The next step is and ADULT MENTAL INSTUTION. INSTUTIONS are no place for a baby. Little girls have their heads shaved so the caretakers don’t have to wash their long beautiful hair. Children who can’t never learned to walk are bed ridden 24/7. The children bite themselves to self stimulate. I tell you all of this to tell you that I have been so angry and bitter toward the Russian Government. Last night my husband and I attended the largest Christian concert on tour. Winter Jam have you ever heard of it 10 wonderful Christian artist under one roof can you say amazing. Newsong is the host of the event and for the last several years they have partnered with Holt International. This year was different they have partnered with World Vision. Before intermission Newsong spoke about World Vision and while we had a break everyone had the chance to sponsor a child. This was amazing to see. Adults, teenagers and kids all being the hands and feet of JESUS. While this was all going on I couldn’t help but think about my precious kids who have stolen my heart. I became angry again over this whole thing with Russia. After the intermission was over my favorite artist of the night came on stage Matthew West.  Matthew West has an adopted daughter from China and so he is very near and dear to our hearts. For several years now he has been writing songs based on people’s stories.  One song hits home to me it’s called for “Forgiveness” this song was inspired by a mom who chose to forgive the man who killed her daughter in a drunk driving accident. This song took on a whole new meaning. The chorus of this song is:

Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable

Show me how to reach the unreachable

Help me now to do the impossible

Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Help me now to do the impossible

I know that they anger and bitterness that I have had toward Russia is not of GOD. I need to forgive these people. I need to pray that there hearts would be turned toward Jesus Christ and that they would want what is best for these precious little ones. I have chosen to forgive these people would your join me. We must pray without ceasing that they will reverse their decision. Children’s lives are at stack  they need us to pray for them. These are just a few of the faces of that are waiting on their forever families. They need our prayers.

This is the offical lyric video of Matthew West's song Forgiveness go watch.