Wednesday, September 19, 2012

HER SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Well here she is our I would like to introduce you to our Angel Tree Princess for this Christmas. God placed this Princess on my heart sometime ago. When the Angel Tree sign up finally started I sent in my request to be her warrior and then I just stared at her picture. I knew she look familiar then it hit me she looks like our Monkey Boy. I know what you are saying how can you say that well if you look at their faces they just resemble each other. We love her this is going to be her second Christmas. I remember how much fun the boys second Christmas' was they just let loose and tore into their gifts. Well this year we are going to honor our Princess and by gifts for the heart babies at the Children's Hospital. Why the heart babies well Melody just recently had heart surgery to fix Congenital heart defect. My prayer for our Angel Tree Princess is that God would sustain her while she waits for her forever family and that where ever her forever family is that they would hear God's call on their lives to go bring her home. This Christmas though she will not know it she will have a family for Christmas. The boys always get new ornaments for Christmas so this year Princess Melody will have a ornament on our tree with all of our family ornaments. We will have a stocking for her and just celebrate her life. We love you so much Melody you are a Princess and I pray that someone in your temporary home shows you love.

Angel Tree officially starts Nov. 1 and runs through Dec. 31 our goal is to raise 1.000 dollars for her grant fund. We will be doing some fundraisers and we hope you will consider making a donation to this precious Princess.