Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Cry For Help!!! for two Princess'

I am writing this in hopes that you will find in your heart to give. If you have read my blog I posted something titled Not A Coincidence. Well I have to tell you another part of this story. Alice 2h and Mara 2h are being adopted together they will be sisters forever. June of 2011 my family walked in a race called One Less 5k that our church done for there 5/5/5 warrior child Alice 2h. This is when we started to learn more about Reece's Rainbow and all they have done for kids across the globe.

We walked the race to raise money for Alice 2h adoption grant it was a huge success and thousands of dollars was added to her grant. Then in October of 2011 we got to be apart of Reece's Rainbows Angel Tree project for the first time and my husband an I prayed for which child to raise money for that is when GOD showed me Mara 2h.

We prayed for her daily and so did our boys. We spread the word and prayed that people would donate to her grant. We bought her ornament and it hung on our tree. Christmas of 2011 was this sweet Princess' first Christmas so we bought her a baby's first Christmas ornament that also hung on our tree with all of our family ornaments. I prayed everyday that our Angel Tree Princess would have a family. One day I was searching the website for Alice 2h because we also prayed for her everyday also. I finally found her she was listed under MY FAMILY FOUND ME!!!!!! OH the joy that we all had. We waited and waited to see who her new family would be. Christmas came and instead of stocking stuffers we donated money in honor of each of them to our Angel Tree Princess Mara 2h and continued to pray for her and for her to have a family. Then the day came I woke up on December 26, 2011 to all the messages and notification that our Angel Tree Princess was listed on MY FAMILY FOUND ME PAGE. Along with our family we shed tears of joy that our Princess would be saved and she would know the love of a mommy and daddy. Then a couple of weeks later after stocking the RR for updates on both Mara 2h and Alice 2h it was in front of my eyes nothing but a miracle. Mara 2h and Alice 2h were going to be sisters we were so overjoyed both us and our church family in De Queen. In June of 2011 we didn't know that the sweet Princess that we were walking for and our soon to be Angel Tree Princess would be sisters but they are. Now their family is working so hard to bring them home. They have had numerous fundraisers, auctions, yard sales and even cut back on all their expenses but they are 1.000 short of being fully funded. 1.000 dollars is all is it to much to ask for you to help this family out and donate to these two very adorable Princess' and help them get home to their new family. Mara 2h is in need of medical attention immediately and Alice has been in institution for several months the Groves family needs your help. The Groves family sponsorship button is on the right side of my blog and all donations are tax detectable.

Please pray and Donate to these two girls they need you. Pray that GOD will sustain them till they can come home. Please Pray for Mara pray that she will healthy to make it to the states for her treatment and that Alice will be protected from all of what the institution means for kids with special needs. Pray for protection for them both and that their caregivers will be loving toward them. Pray for their new family will have peace while apart of their family is on the other side of the world and that when they go to get them they have a safe journey with a smooth adoption process.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Church Rise Up. Children do matter!

In James he says "27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" In Deuteronomy it says that He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. In Psalms it says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves…defend the rights of the needy." (Proverbs 31:8,9) In Hosea it says "In you the fatherless find mercy." (Hosea 14:4). In Luke Jesus says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16).

Church why is that you think that just because you don't see orphans in your backyard that this gives you the excuse not to act. You were given the commandment to act on the behalf of the orphaned and the widowed. Today another child past away not knowing the love of a earthly mommy and daddy. Walden was 9 days away from meeting his forever family but his heavenly father called him home. Jaxon not very long ago passed away he also had a loving family in the process of adopting him. In this year alone there have been so many lives lost. Margaret, Lynette,and Mali all died without knowing the love of a earthly daddy. Jaxon and Walden's families were working so hard to get them home. Church there are 143 million orphans in the world. There are 400,540 children in the U. S foster care systems this does not include the children who are in church run homes. Church what is it going to take for you to stand up for these children and provide for them. You might not all be called to adopted but that doesn't give you the excuse to do nothing. Church sponser kids or orphanges. Church you could provide respit care for foster families or you could even foster yourself.



These are some websites that can point you in the right direction.